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Mar 05, 2017 | Terry Dawson

Here Is Your Family...

Technology sure is great, isn't it? We can do all sorts of things that even 10-20 years ago seemed like something you might see in a Jetson's cartoon. Our world has fully embraced the idea of email, texting, and social media as ways to communicate with others, even an entire world away, in an instant. And as our reliance on this way of communicating increases, so does the chance of what we have to say, or what we are receiving, be misunderstood. So it is with today's Scripture out of John 19:25-27, some of Jesus' last words John and to His mother. At face value, we hear Jesus giving John to Mary as a replacement son, but Terry shows us layers to these words that are far greater than what we see on the surface. Listen as we understand the greater meaning of what true family is all about.

Series Information

It was a long road to the end. Many words had already been spoken. But then only a few words, a very few. Yet the words that Jesus spoke in his last few hours are some of the richest in the Scriptures, and, they tell much of the story of Jesus' final story to redemption and life through the cross. Terry looks at those last words during the season of Lent, a season of reflection prior to the resurrection celebration that is Easter. It is finished is only the beginning.