Those Who are Insulted, Persecuted and Lied About
If we are insulted, rarely do we think that is a blessing. However, Jesus taught that when His people are persecuted and insulted for His sake, they are blessed. Join Pastor Terry as he teaches a study taken from Matthew 5:11-12 entitled Those Who are Insulted, Persecuted and Lied About.
Series Information

The Kingdom Manifesto. Jesus' (so called) Sermon on the Mount from the Gospel of Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 may be the single most valuable Scripture offering for the follower of Jesus as King and Lord. Its unifying cry gathers believers, and at the same time scatters make believers. The church has too often minimized this clarion call to God's Kingdom into tid-bits for memorizing, when in fact if received would change the very nature of the church in the 21st century. As Terry is fond of saying, if you want to be a follower of Jesus, you actually have to follow Jesus. These studies consider deeply the heart and ways of The One who spoke these words so long ago. Hear them again for the very first time.