Sermons, Studies & Talks

Using the Bible to Teach About Jesus

At Countryside we use the Bible to teach about Jesus, so we study through the Bible chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book. We don't study the bible to get God in our world, but to get us in God's world. This is a primary means of discipleship and encouragement among the church. We make sermons, studies and talks available here, first and foremost to be a resource for those who are a part of the congregation, but who have been unable to meet when the church originally gathered, therefore helping God's people grow in faith and fruitfulness. The Scriptures admonish us to "set our minds on things above," and so, in providing this ministry, we seek to focus more of our attention on Him.


Sermons by: Date

May 06, 2010

Matthew 1:18-25

An on-going, verse by verse survey through the Gospel of Matthew.

Apr 29, 2010

Matthew 1

An on-going, verse by verse survey through the Gospel of Matthew.

Apr 25, 2010

The Beatitudes

We are making a mistake if we look at the Sermon on the Mount and the...

Apr 22, 2010

Matthew 1:1-17

An on-going, verse by verse survey through the Gospel of Matthew.

Feb 11, 2010

Psalm 72

An on-going, verse by verse survey through the Psalms.

Feb 07, 2010


Judas Iscariot is proof that an individual can be with Jesus and even...

Feb 04, 2010

Psalms 70-71

An on-going, verse by verse survey through the Psalms.

Jan 31, 2010

God's Favor(ite)

Christians have God's favor. However, a problem occurs when we allow...

Jan 28, 2010

Psalm 69

An on-going, verse by verse survey through the Psalms.

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