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Apr 21, 2022 | Terry Dawson

An Easter Story, Epilogue

We hear a lot about this on Easter Sunday: The resurrection is real. Then, on Easter Monday, that message (that truth) seems to fade away until we want to say it loud again next year. Lives lived shouting on Easter seem to deny the resurrection daily in everyday living. Don't believe those lives, nor those who want to dismiss the resurrection as some spiritualized philosophy. There is a reason that the church has long celebrated the season of Easter for 50-days. He is risen. He is risen, indeed! Hallelujah!

Series Information

Resurrection Sunday, The Trinity, Advent, The Gospel, Current Events, Church Calendar Holidays... These topical studies by Terry Dawson are messages that are usually given outside of our ongoing study through the Bible consisting of both survey and in-depth messages through a book in the Bible. Other topical messages are offered in series format elsewhere in the library.