Don't Waste the Wildnerness
Don’t Waste the Wilderness reminds us that Jesus was led into the wilderness before He began His public ministry, before the miracles and the crowds. Mark 1:9-15 reveals that the road to resurrection starts in a place of testing. The Spirit drives Jesus into solitude, hunger, and temptation—not as punishment, but as preparation. In the same way, Lent is a season of refining, where we strip away distractions and learn to trust God alone. Through Terry, Jesus invites us to embrace the wilderness, knowing that even here, God is at work.
Series Information

This season, we’re taking two journeys through Lent to the resurrection. In keeping with our congregational reading through the Gospel of Mark, Terry will share devotionals from the week’s readings on Thursdays. Afterward, those gathered will discuss the implications of what we’ve read and what was shared. Over the Sundays preceding Easter, our journey will be one of Turning Towards the Cross, where we follow in Jesus’ footsteps toward that ‘first day of the week’ which changed everything.