When Prayer Means Crickets
Often times when we pray, we have a tendency to make it a one side exercise, where we ask for things or list things we are thankful for. However in all of this we tend to expect a response but usually in a yes, no, or maybe way, however often we hear nothing. This morning Terry takes us through prayer and the silence it can bring at times. Prayer is meant to be conversational, a back and forth. It plays out throughout our lives and God's plans are so much greater than ours.
Series Information
Terry proclaims the one Gospel through the history, research, rememberings and faith expressed in the text of the Gospel According to Luke. Jesus himself is the good news expressed by Luke. Beginning with the birth narratives unique to Luke's presentation, the good news of the Kingdom explodes into faithful view as each account, teaching, parable and event lived out and offered by Jesus, the Messiah-King, is examined the way Luke seemingly examined Jesus in his own work. Here we find a Jesus to love, a Jesus to follow, and ultimately a Jesus to worship.