You Are My Neighbor!
People are always trying to change the world, to fix it in some way. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. However there is always this underlying desire to fix, or change the world to better fit their view of what the world should be. However, as Christians, we are not called to change the world, that's not what Jesus has called us to do, regardless of what we might of been programmed to think. Tonight Terry takes us through a different perspective on the calling on our lives. Every day, and every moment we are living Kingdom lives. From driving from thing to thing, to smaller moments we spend alone. Christ is living now and reigning now, in all things.
Series Information
Terry proclaims the one Gospel through the history, research, rememberings and faith expressed in the text of the Gospel According to Luke. Jesus himself is the good news expressed by Luke. Beginning with the birth narratives unique to Luke's presentation, the good news of the Kingdom explodes into faithful view as each account, teaching, parable and event lived out and offered by Jesus, the Messiah-King, is examined the way Luke seemingly examined Jesus in his own work. Here we find a Jesus to love, a Jesus to follow, and ultimately a Jesus to worship.