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No Secret Sauce

Terry Dawson | July 21, 2024

It is a sign of immaturity at best, not being a disciple at all at worst, when a person gets caught up in every new thing or in the church, what is sometimes called “every wind of doctrine” that blows our way. We grow up in Jesus when we are...

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Community Life: Living Our Story


The early church enjoyed frequent times of breaking bread together. In fact, it's one of the things to which it's said the early church was devoted.

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Separation or Connection?

As people created in the image of God we are created to exist in community. As believers, as the church, we function as a family and a community

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This Week's News, Scripture & Prayer

Daily Scripture 7/21/2024

| July 21, 2024

DAILY READINGS,   July 21 - 28 SUNDAY: Morning: Psalm 63:1-11,98; Evening: Psalm 103; 1 Samuel 23:7-18; Romans 11:33-12:2; Matthew...

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The Church Prays 7/21/2024

| July 21, 2024

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our weakness, and mercifully give us those...

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